Strategy and Organisational Development Practice

Strategic clarity and coherence is crucial in driving transformation and helping organisations navigate the various phases of growth.  Charting the right strategic direction, and organising right are fundamental for organisational success. 

At F.I.T Africa, we assist organisations in enhancing their strategy, structures, systems, and processes for improved efficiency and effectiveness. Our strategy analysis and planning, change management, institutional strengthening, and organisational development expertise are sought after by social, public, and private actors across the globe. Whether it is a core strategy of the organisation or its impact strategy, we are poised to help our partners arrive at a fit for purpose strategy that helps them achieve their aspirations and objectives.

We serve our partners in the following ways:

Strategy analysis and development.
Facilitating Strategy Retreat Sessions.
Organisational Capacity Assessment and Capacity Building.
Institutional strengthening and Organisational Development.
Process mapping and improvements.
Mid-term strategy review